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Standard I:
Visual Arts Educators Have a Thorough Understanding of the Visual Arts

This project was done for my Art History class and it was for my study on Land/ Earth Art. In this I recreated the forms that artists from this genre of art had made. Through the classes I have had in the past and up and until now, I have gained the ability to understand visual Arts. This can be seen in how I recreate and understand the process that the artist went through to come to the conclusion of my artwork.


Art Education Standards: Text
Art Education Standards: Image
Art Education Standards: Image

Standard II:
Visual Arts Educators Understand Student Characteristics, Abilities, and Learning Styles

In my drawing and figure class we did a lot of sketching and working with nude figure models as our subject. There are a lot of problems or issues that arise when trying to capture this on paper. In between the drawing sessions I would walk around like our teacher would and observe how other people felt with these issues and the way they chose to problem solve for it. There were so many different ways to capture the subject and so many further ways that people would choose to solve the similar problems we all ran into. Also as I went around I saw that everyone was at a totally different stage than I was. Some were further than me in the development of their piece and others were further behind in the process.

Art Education Standards: Text
Art Education Standards: Image

Standard III:
Visual Arts Educators Understand Diverse Social and Cultural Constructions of Identity

This visual journal entry from my Art Education course  is the best representation for this standard. It shows how people see us and how we interpret people through the diverse social and cultural constructions of identity.

Art Education Standards: Text
Art Education Standards: Image

Standard IV:
Visual Arts Educators Make Informed Selections of Art Content and Curricula

This piece from my print making class is something that could be used for content and curricula. Using these materials and the content of the subject make sense  for this standard.

Art Education Standards: Text
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Art Education Standards: Image

Standard V:
Visual Arts Educators Use Knowledge of Students as Learners to Plan Appropriate Instruction

This piece from my drawing and figure class shows the knowledge I have learned over the semester but thinking back to how my mind worked in the beginning it has changed. I thought about how I would teach this lesson and the knowledge I would use from what students already know and combine it with what they will need to know in order to accomplish this and future assignments.

Art Education Standards: Text
Art Education Standards: Image

Standard VIII:
Visual Arts Educators Systematically Reflect on Their Own Teaching Practice

This piece is from my printmaking class and it shows the process along with what decisions are made through creating work. In thinking of this, I had a plan going in that totally changed as I created the work and I reflected on the things I would say to my students if I were to teach an assignment like this or use this as my demonstration.

Art Education Standards: Text
Art Education Standards: Image

Standard X:
Visual Arts Educators Collaborate with Other Educators

For this piece I had ideas and I would ask some of the fellow students in my class what they would do with this image. In doing this I got a better work of art and a sort of collaborative project in the ideas and content of the work.

Art Education Standards: Text
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Art Education Standards: Image

Standard XII:
Visual Arts Educators Continue Their Professional Development Throughout Their Careers

Everyone is always developing as and artist and educator in their own way but you can choose to further that development and push yourself into other skills. In my drawing an figure class, I really tried to further my development by taking more risks with drawings and and trying new things to see where it would take me and the constant practice I would put in to become better at solving problems in my art.

Art Education Standards: Text
Art Education Standards: Image
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